I really looked forward to the challenge. Simple upholstery is right up my alley...but these were not just slap it on and staple it down. These had cushions! Dreaded cushions. :-) With corners to kill.
To bring it into a more modern era, she asked me to paint and cover with a graphic fabric. Ok, no problemo. I did have some trouble with the paint actually sticking. I skipped sanding...BAD IDEA! It created more work for me to keep the paint on.
However, I finally finished up the frame with paint and upholstery. Then came out my sewing machine. Well, actually it is my MILs mostly. We had to put the two of ours together to make one work. I keep meaning to give her part back...and then I get projects!
Overall, they turned out pretty well! I was asked to put white piping on as an accent, and it came out really well.
We had gotten 7 yards of material to do these chairs, and ended up with about a yard left over. I did have to cut a bit more thank I normally would, because of the pattern. I had to make sure the large foils and flowers were somewhat centered on cushions and such.
Turned out nice and sharp and well loved by my friend! It will be a lovely memory for her to remember her Grandmother by. Hope I did you proud.