Because, I admit, I've been catching up on this show on Hulu! I haven't watched the bachelor....since the first season, I think. The cattiness of the women DRIVES ME CRAZY! Usually the guys are much more chill (although this season is challenging that in my opinion). But let me share some things that have me intrigued: - how do you pack to be in North Carolina, Bermuda, London (wherever else they go) IN ONE BAG? This goes for the guys because I notice they don't show what Emily is packing! I need to pay more attention to what they are wearing to see how they mix and match..... - these dudes wear a lot of v-neck t-shirts. One scene has 2 in regular t-shirts and everyone else is wearing a v. Not knocking - I like the look. Just interesting (maybe guys have less choices in necklines?!) - I have heard more country song in the first 4 episodes of this season than I have heard in maybe the last year.... - "We ...