I'm not a New Year's Resolution girl. I make to-do lists every week (sometimes every day!), but I've never been one to make resolutions...maybe a year view is just too much for my little heart to handle most days ;-) Last year my only goal (and maybe that's the issue, I'd rather call it a goal than resolution) was to be debt free and to have a 3+ month emergency fund set up. I accomplished that goal on January 2, 2014.... so close to being done in 2013!
But as I was perusing the internets I found this gem and thought "I can do that!"
A bad habit I'm going to break: Daily Diet Coke. I did a pretty decent job of getting this down to
one Diet Coke per day two years ago, but yeah, that's not where I'm at now.
A new skill I'd like to learn: running a successful Etsy shop. Does that count as a skill?
A person I hope to be more like: Jesus? Is that cliche? Isn't that what I think everyday? Whatevs,
that's my answer ;-)
A good deed I'm going to do: I'm going to try to listen better to staff & customers and see how I can
serve them.
A place I'd like to visit: Well, I think so far on the list of place to go this year are the Cayman
Islands, Vancouver & San Antonio. We'll see if NYC is in the cards for this year as well.
A book I'd like to read: Lean In - thanks to my dad's Christmas gift I'm no longer on the wait list at
the library!
A letter I'm going to write: I'd like to get better at monthly letters to my grandparents. I did a pretty
decent job of that last year, but could be more consistent. And maybe I'll write to my mom
some too (no promises Mom!)
A new food I'm going to try: I don't know yet! Since I'm often researching trends I see lots of
interesting things, but then usually have my chef make them for me! We shall see - I don't
usually have a problem trying new foods.
I'm going to do better at: not being on my phone all the time.....
Here's to 2014! Now that all the holiday/birthday partying is over I can think about what's next!
Are you a resolution person? A goal setter? Any big goals for the year?
But as I was perusing the internets I found this gem and thought "I can do that!"
A bad habit I'm going to break: Daily Diet Coke. I did a pretty decent job of getting this down to
one Diet Coke per day two years ago, but yeah, that's not where I'm at now.
A new skill I'd like to learn: running a successful Etsy shop. Does that count as a skill?
A person I hope to be more like: Jesus? Is that cliche? Isn't that what I think everyday? Whatevs,
that's my answer ;-)
A good deed I'm going to do: I'm going to try to listen better to staff & customers and see how I can
serve them.
A place I'd like to visit: Well, I think so far on the list of place to go this year are the Cayman
Islands, Vancouver & San Antonio. We'll see if NYC is in the cards for this year as well.
A book I'd like to read: Lean In - thanks to my dad's Christmas gift I'm no longer on the wait list at
the library!
A letter I'm going to write: I'd like to get better at monthly letters to my grandparents. I did a pretty
decent job of that last year, but could be more consistent. And maybe I'll write to my mom
some too (no promises Mom!)
A new food I'm going to try: I don't know yet! Since I'm often researching trends I see lots of
interesting things, but then usually have my chef make them for me! We shall see - I don't
usually have a problem trying new foods.
I'm going to do better at: not being on my phone all the time.....
Here's to 2014! Now that all the holiday/birthday partying is over I can think about what's next!
Are you a resolution person? A goal setter? Any big goals for the year?