Somehow I've gotten into a group of "war" books - and each one different from the other. This story revolves around an English girl who is chosen to become an undercover "agent" to France during World War II. She's single, she's young and she's told that she can't tell anyone about what she is really doing - that she must be vague. Can you imagine being female at that time and telling your parents that you aren't sure where you are going or what you'll be doing, but it's all for the war effort?
The story follows her through training, as she jumps out of a plane, as she goes into Paris in search of a family friend and as she becomes an adult quickly during war times.
I enjoyed this book for the most part. There were some "sexual scenes" that seemed awkward (maybe because the girl is feeling awkward) and not needed to make a good story. Some language and innuendos That's my warning! I thought the book captured pretty well what a girl that age must be thinking. To want to do her part, to want to help and the thrill of being taught to jump out of a plane and actually shoot someone. But also the emotions that would go with that (and for some reason must be easier to tell from a woman's view then a man's?).
I was reading this one afternoon at the bar and someone started to speak to me. I turned and said "Give me 5 minutes - I HAVE TO GET THESE PEOPLE OUT OF FRANCE!" hehe. I didn't see the end coming until it was right there in front of me!