This is your two for the price of one! I get to show you two redos today. How fun is that?!
This first would be a cute little find that I brought home a few weeks ago. I have a think for anything that you could attach the words vintage, antique, furniture, etc. Especially if it relates to life at a simpler time. (I know, not everyone would consider life simple over 50 years ago. I do not in any way mean easy. I just mean less cluttered.) Anyway, I am getting off topic.

It came to me rather beat up, with the finish coming off and several scratches. What is a girl to do? As much as I paint in all these posts, I actually have mostly naked wood in my house. However, this was past just refinishing.
So, I opted to paint. And paint I did. I may have gone a bit crazy. After painting it white, I decided it needed something else: color, pattern, I dont know. I just started and eventually ended. It sure was fun!
I am not really a very talented painter when it comes to details, but I think this one turned out rather cute. Not great, but it is cute.
So here we are, with a new paint job!

The top needed some decoration too, so I went for a needle/thread!

Inside I put scrapbook paper. It had blue and green buttons on it. Im sorry, but it was perfect and I wanted a surprise when you looked inside! Now to see if we can sell it next weekend @ Burlington.
I may really like buttons too. This is a picture of the pin I made for my dress last week. I glued several buttons together that matched the dress, then added the blue for a contrast. Put a pin on the back and voila!

I either wear it to pin the back, or as a decoration for the top.
This first would be a cute little find that I brought home a few weeks ago. I have a think for anything that you could attach the words vintage, antique, furniture, etc. Especially if it relates to life at a simpler time. (I know, not everyone would consider life simple over 50 years ago. I do not in any way mean easy. I just mean less cluttered.) Anyway, I am getting off topic.

Here it is. Know what it is? It is an old sewing box. It is easy to transport depending on what room you may be working in (thanks to the handle) and lightweight, but also very functional. This little piece originally would have had a tray, but somehow over time, it has gotten lost.
It came to me rather beat up, with the finish coming off and several scratches. What is a girl to do? As much as I paint in all these posts, I actually have mostly naked wood in my house. However, this was past just refinishing.
So, I opted to paint. And paint I did. I may have gone a bit crazy. After painting it white, I decided it needed something else: color, pattern, I dont know. I just started and eventually ended. It sure was fun!
I am not really a very talented painter when it comes to details, but I think this one turned out rather cute. Not great, but it is cute.

The top needed some decoration too, so I went for a needle/thread!

Inside I put scrapbook paper. It had blue and green buttons on it. Im sorry, but it was perfect and I wanted a surprise when you looked inside! Now to see if we can sell it next weekend @ Burlington.
I may really like buttons too. This is a picture of the pin I made for my dress last week. I glued several buttons together that matched the dress, then added the blue for a contrast. Put a pin on the back and voila!

I either wear it to pin the back, or as a decoration for the top.