Man - this book was HARD to read! It goes against everything I think about marriage, but provides insight into what is going on...even though I hope not on the scale she reports...
Some quotes from the book:
"One in three babies is born to a single mother today. While the number of unwed births among teens has decreased steadily, it has risen just as steadily among college-educated women in their mid-thirties and forties."
"A study in 2008, cited after Tiger Wood's prodigious infidelity confessions, found that a vast majority of husbands (more than 85%) and a large majority of wives (65%) would have affairs if they could definitely get away with it."
"British data from 2009 revealed that no fewer than 1 in 5 divorce petitions that year mentioned Facebook" (she was talking about how Facebook has made it easier to get in touch with old flames and rekindle or look at with rose colored glass those relationships)
"Maybe like a suspension bridge, marriage can maintain its integrity and relevance by swaying with the strong winds, and letting new attitudes and rules in rather than by bracing rigidly against them." (discussing open marriages/polyamory).
Like I said - hard to read. The first part had me not ever wanting kids - due to the change/trauma she says they bring to a marriage. The rest of the book had me rethinking if I ever wanted to get married - due to the statistical numbers she gave for infidelity and argument for monogamous marriages being archaic. Overall I felt like it was a depressing look at marriage in America today. And yet, if all of her data is true, it was very insightful about marriages in America today.